Student Solution


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Week 6 Essay_Matt

Week 6 Essay

Q Outline the development of the Greek Polis. What were the three different types of governments that emerged, and what were the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Q Define hoplite warfare and its effects on the development of democracy.Define hoplite warfare and its effects on the development of democracy.Define hoplite warfare and its effects on the development of democracy.The Persian and Peloponnesian Wars affected Greek civilization in profound ways. Describe some of the consequences of Athens' victory in the former and its defeat in the latter.

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The rise of polis can be understood against the backdrop of the decline of the Mycenaean civilization which resulted in considerable chaos and turbulence. In the aftermath of its demise, the settlements shrank in size and moved in wards, away from the vulnerable coastlines. It was a world in stasis wherein the material realities of life shaped the civilization which emerged from it. Contact with the Pheonicians resulted in the adoption of their language as well as emulating their merchant vessels which facilitated long distance trade. The rise in commercial activity provided for stable settlements and the economic and cultural developments resulted in population growth.